Fallout 4 outfit studio
Fallout 4 outfit studio

fallout 4 outfit studio

Outfit Studio has working export/import for a bunch of the Bethesda games (FO3, FONV, LE, SE, FO4). What you import will behave correctly on export without fiddling.

  • Handles skinned and unskinned meshes correctly.
  • Handles Skyrim and FO4 partitions and also FO4 segments.
  • fallout 4 outfit studio

    Export _0 and _1 armor weights for Skyrim from a single mesh.

  • Handles multiple bodyweights in one step.
  • fallout 4 outfit studio

  • Supports Bodyslide tri files on import and export for body morphs.
  • Import tris into an existing mesh or on their own.
  • Handles expression and chargen tri files for Skyrim and FO4.
  • No need to separate UV seams or triangulate before exporting
  • Handles tris and base mesh in one step.
  • Export/Import tools between Blender and the Nif format, using Bodyslide/Outfit Studio's Nifly layer

    Fallout 4 outfit studio